Terms of Use
While every effort is made to ensure the material on this website is accurate and up to date, we give no assurances as to the currency of the information. As with most things in life, changes could occur -- with staff, board members, contacts, program details -- so it is best to reconfirm relevant details when you call.
Credits and Copyrights
Bridges to Housing holds the copyright on this website, which was designed by Cynthia Fontayne, The Fontayne Group, Inc. No part, including all photos and illustrations, may be reproduced without our specific, written permission.
Bridges to Housing holds the copyright for our logo.
Photos of program participants and of Bridges to Housing staff, officers, board members and volunteers are used with their permission.
Other photos and illustrations have been sourced from public domain, copyright-free and free-use collections, including the Library of Congress, Wix, Pixabay, Wikimedia Commons, and The Fontayne Group, Inc. None may be re-used elsewhere.